Build Back Better: Leadership for US–Cuba Health Cooperation
COVID-19 Control in a Havana Surgical Hospital
Julián F. Ruiz-Torres MD PhD, et al. / PDF
Dangers and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in COVID-19 Patients
Calixto Machado-Curbelo MD PhD FAAN / PDF
Researchers at Cuba’s National Medical Genetics Center:
Pioneering Studies on COVID-19
Gail A. Reed MS / PDF
Cuba’s Medical Team in the European Epicenter of COVID-19: Carlos R. Pérez-Díaz MD MS PhD
Director, Joaquín Albarrán Provincial Clinical-Surgical Hospital, Havana
Henry Reeve Medical Contingent Leader, Lombardy, Italy
Gisele Coutin-Marie MD MS and Conner Gorry MA / PDF
Cuban Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines for Controlling Hepatitis B
Eduardo Pentón-Arias MD PhD and Julio C. Aguilar-Rubido PhD / PDF
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Units Reporting to the Ibero-American Society of Neonatology Network: Prevalence and Mortality
Fernando Domínguez-Dieppa MD PhD, et al. / PDF
Characterization of Adverse Events Following Childhood Immunizations
in Pinar del Río, Cuba
Elba Cruz-Rodríguez MD MS, et al. / PDF
Urinary Metabolic Disorders Associated with Urolithiasis in Cuban Pediatric Patients
Raymed A. Bacallao-Méndez MD MS, et al. / PDF
Short-term Tolerance of Nasally-Administered NeuroEPO in Patients with Parkinson Disease
Marité García-Llano MD, et al. / PDF
Evaluating Cerebral Perfusion in Alzheimer Patients and First-Degree Relatives: Lessons from Artemisa Province, Cuba
Yamilé Peña-Quián MD PhD, et al. / PDF
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Cuba
Marlen I. Castellanos-Fernández MD PhD, et al. / PDF
Congenital and Intrapartum SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Neonates: Hypotheses, Evidence, and Perspectives
Gerardo R. Robaina-Castellanos MD PhD and Solangel de la Caridad Riesgo- Rodríguez MD MS / PDF
Psychocardiology’s Contributions to Comprehensive Cardiovascular Care in Cuba
Teresa Rodríguez-Rodríguez MS PhD, et al. / PDF
Cuba–US Collaboration: The Pandemic Imperative
Roberto Cañete MD PhD and Kenneth W. Goodman PhD / PDF
Can Anti-Ribosomal Antibodies Improve Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnosis?
Elena Kokuina MD PhD / PDF
Comprehensive Surveillance Needed to Contain COVID-19
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava MD and Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava MD / PDF
Cuban Research in Current International Journals
Special Abstracts Section COVID-19
Cover photo: Production plant at the Molecular Immunology Center (CIM), Havana, Cuba. CIM produces the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the coronavirus’s spike protein that is included in the Soberana 01 and Soberana 02 vaccine candidates for COVID-19. Credit: E. Añé