MEDICC Review presents this special series of interviews and articles featuring outstanding Cuban women in health, social and related sciences throughout the country’s history. If you  would like to propose a Cuban woman scientist to be profiled in this section, please write

Vaccines and Public Trust: Containing COVID-19 in Cuba
Verena Muzio-González PhD DSc
Director of Clinical Research, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center

January 2022, Vol 24, No 1

Cuba’s National Regulatory Authority & COVID-19:
Olga Lidia Jacobo-Casanueva MS
Director, Center for State Control of Medicines and Medical Devices (CECMED)

July-October 2021, Vol 23, No 3-4

COVID-19 Requires Innovation, Regulation and Rigor:
Amaylid Arteaga-García MD MS
Director, National Clinical Trials Coordinating Center (CENCEC)

April 2021, Vol 23, No 2

Researchers at Cuba’s National Medical Genetics Center: Pioneering Studies on COVID-19

January 2021, Vol 23, No 1

SOBERANA, Cuba’s COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates:
Dagmar García-Rivera PhD
Director of Research, Finlay Vaccine Institute
October 2020, Vol 22, No 4

Science as a Social Good
Iramis Alonso-Porro
Director, Juventud Técnica
July 2020, Vol 22, No 3

“Retirement, what?”
Herminia Palenzuela MD PhD
National Pediatric Cardiology Network and William Soler Children’s Heart Center,
January 2020, Vol 22, No 1
Of Glass Ceilings, Velvet Circles and Pink-Collar Ghettoes
Lilliam Álvarez MS PhD
Secretary, Cuban Academy of Sciences
October 2019, Vol 21, No 4
Gender & Race in Cuba: An Anthropological Perspective
Lourdes Serrano Peralta PhD
Professor, University of Havana

Former Director, Cuban Anthropology Institute
April-July 2019, Vol 21, No 2-3
Confronting Arboviruses
María Guadalupe Guzmán MD PhD DrSc
Director, Reference Center for Research & Diagnosis
Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute, Havana
January 2019, Vol 21, No 1
The Power of Persistence
María Amparo Pascual MD MS
Founding Director
National Clinical Trials Coordinating Center, Havana
October 2018, Vol 20, No 4
Empowering Cuban Women
Marta Núñez MS PhD
Sociologist & Consulting Professor
University of Havana
July 2018, Vol 20, No 3
Thirty Years of Technology at Work for Health
Niurka Carlos
Immunoassay Center, Havana
October 2017, Vol 19, No 4
Science, Passion & Compassion vs. Cancer
Tania Crombet MD PhD
Director of Clinical Research
Molecular Immunology Center, Havana
July 2016, Vol 18, No 3
Genes Prove Mixed Ancestry of All Cubans
Beatriz Marcheco MD, PhD
Director, National Medical Genetics Center, Havana
July–October 2014, Vol 16, No 3–4
Revolutionizing Gender
Mariela Castro MS 
National Sex Education Center, Cuba
April 2012, Vol 14, No 2
In the Eye of the Cuban Epidemic Neuropathy Storm
Rosaralis Santiesteban MD PhD
Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute
January 2011, Vol 13, No 1
Shaping a Research Agenda to Solve Health Problems
Niviola Cabrera MD
Director of Science and Technology
Ministry of Public Health, Cuba
July 2010, Vol 12, No 3
Concepción Campa Huergo
President & General Director
Finlay Institute
October 2007, Vol 9, No 1
From the Editors ►