Wound Chronicity, Impaired Immunity and Infection in Diabetic Patients
January 2022, Vol 24, No 1

BACKGROUND Diabetic foot ulcers are a common diabetic complication leading to alarming figures of amputation, disability, and early mortality. The diabetic glucooxidative environment impairs the healing response, promoting the onset of a ‘wound chronicity phenotype’. In 50% of ulcers, these non-healing wounds act as an open door for developing infections, a process facilitated by diabetic patients’ dysimmunity. Infection can elicit biofilm formation that worsens wound prognosis. How this microorganism community is able to take advantage of underlying diabetic conditions and thrive both within the wound and the diabetic host is an expanding research field.

OBJECTIVES 1) Offer an overview of the major cellular and molecular derangements of the diabetic healing process versus physiological cascades in a non-diabetic host. 2) Describe the main immunopathological aspects of diabetics’ immune response and explore how these contribute to wound infection susceptibility. 3) Conceptualize infection and biofilim in diabetic foot ulcers and analyze their dynamic interactions with wound bed cells and matrices, and their systemic effects at the organism level. 4) Offer an integrative conceptual framework of wound–dysimmunity–infection–organism damage.

EVIDENCE AQUISITION We retrieved 683 articles indexed in Medline/PubMed, SciELO, Bioline International and Google Scholar. 280 articles were selected for discussion under four major subheadings: 1) normal healing processes, 2) impaired healing processes in the diabetic population, 3) diabetic dysimmunity and 4) diabetic foot infection and its interaction with the host.

DEVELOPMENT The diabetic healing response is heterogeneous, torpid and asynchronous, leading to wound chronicity. The accumulation of senescent cells and a protracted inflammatory profile with a pro-catabolic balance hinder the proliferative response and delay re-epithelialization. Diabetes reduces the immune system’s abilities to orchestrate an appropriate antimicrobial response and offers ideal conditions for microbiota establishment and biofilm formation. Biofilm–microbial entrenchment hinders antimicrobial therapy effectiveness, amplifies the host’s pre-existing immunodepression, arrests the wound’s proliferative phase, increases localized catabolism, prolongs pathogenic inflammation and perpetuates wound chronicity. In such circumstances the infected wound may act as a proinflammatory and pro-oxidant organ superimposed onto the host, which eventually intensifies peripheral insulin resistance and disrupts homeostasis.

CONCLUSIONS The number of lower-limb amputations remains high worldwide despite continued research efforts on diabetic foot ulcers. Identifying and manipulating the molecular drivers underlying diabetic wound healing failure, and dysimmunity-driven susceptibility to infection will offer more effective therapeutic tools for the diabetic population.

KEYWORDS Diabetic foot, amputation, infections, biofilms, microbiota

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Epidermal Growth Factor in Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers: From Gene Expression to Tissue Healing and Systemic Biomarker Circulation
July 2020, Vol 22, No 3

Lower-extremity diabetic ulcers are responsible for 80% of annual worldwide nontraumatic amputations. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) reduction is one of the molecular pillars of diabetic ulcer chronicity, thus EGF administration may be considered a type of replacement therapy. Topical EGF ad­ministration to improve and speed wound healing began in 1989 on burn patients as part of an acute-healing therapy. Further clinical studies based on topically administering EGF to different chronic wounds resulted in disappointing out­comes. An analysis of the literature on unsuccessful clinical trials identified a lack of knowledge concerning: (I) molecular and cellular foundations of wound chronicity and (II) the phar­macodynamic requisites governing EGF interaction with its receptor to promote cell response. Yet, EGF intra- and perile­sional infiltration were shown to circumvent the pharmacody­namic limitations of topical application. Since the first studies, the following decades of basic and clinical research on EGF therapy for problem wounds have shed light on potential uses of growth factors in regenerative medicine. EGF’s molecular and biochemical effects at both local and systemic levels are diverse: (1) downregulation of genes encoding inflammation mediators and increased expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, angiogenesis and matrix secretion; (2) EGF in­tervention positively impacts both mesenchymal and epithelial cells, reducing inflammation and stimulating the recruitment of precursor circulating cells that promote the formation of new blood vessels; (3) at the subcellular level, upregulation of the EGF receptor with subsequent intracellular trafficking, includ­ing mitochondrial allocation along with restored morphology of multiple organelles; and (4) local EGF infiltration resulting in a systemic, organismal repercussion, thus contributing to attenuation of circulating inflammatory and catabolic reac­tants, restored reduction-oxidation balance, and decreased toxic glycation products and soluble apoptogenic effectors. It is likely that EGF treatment may rearrange critical epigenetic drivers of diabetic metabolic memory.

Epidermal Growth Factor, diabetes, diabetes complications, wound healing, diabetic foot, amputation, ulcer, Cuba

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