MEDICC Review News
MEDICC Review Joins Call to UN for Global COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force

May 1, 2020—On behalf of the journal, MEDICC Review editors have signed on to an open letter to the UN Secretary General calling for a Global Health Equity Task Force led by WHO to confront COVID-19’s impact, specifically to lead a broad, equity-focused response involving global cooperation for fair needs-based resource allocation to all countries.

The letter was initiated by David Chiriboga (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA; Former Minister of Health of Ecuador); Paulo Buss (Emeritus Professor, The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, FIOCRUZ; Full Member, National Academy of Medicine, Brazil; Former President, World Federation of Public Health Associations); Juan Garay (Professor of Global Health, National School of Health, Spain); Sebastián Tobar (Executive Secretary, Latin American Alliance for Global Health, Argentina) and Luiz Augusto Galvao (FIOCRUZ Center for Global Health, Brazil). Paulo Buss also serves on MEDICC Review’s Editorial Board.

Among the 108 institutional signers as of April 30: World Federation of Public Health Associations, Latin American Alliance for Global Health, African Federation of Public Health Associations, African Nurses and Midwifes Network, Latin American and Caribbean Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (ALAFEM), Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO Chile), Cuban Society of Public Health, Mexico’s Academy of Sciences, and MEDICC (MEDICC Review’s publisher).

See the full letter plus individual and institutional signers at

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