INTRODUCTION Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a neurological condition occurring immediately after birth following a perinatal asphytic episode. Therapeutic hypothermia is a safe and effective intervention to reduce mortality and major disability in survivors. In Latin America, perinatal asphyxia is a major problem, but no data are available characterizing its current situation in the region or the impact of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy on its management.
OBJECTIVE Understand the prevalence, mortality and use of therapeutic hypothermia in newborns at ≥36 weeks gestational age with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy admitted to neonatal units reporting to the Ibero-American Society of Neonatology Network.
METHODS The Ibero-American Society of Neonatology Network groups various neonatology centers in Latin America that share information and collaborate on research and medical care. We evaluated data on newborns with ≥36 weeks gestational age reported during 2019. Each unit received a guide with definitions and questions based on the Society’s 7th Clinical Consensus. Evaluated were encephalopathy frequency and severity, Apgar score, need for resuscitation at birth, use of therapeutic hypothermia and clinical evolution at discharge. Our analysis includes descriptive statistics and comparisons made using the chi-square test.
RESULTS We examined reports of 2876 newborns from 33 units and 6 countries. In 2849 newborns with available data, hypoxic encephalopathy prevalence was 5.1% (146 newborns): 27 (19%) mild, 36 (25%) moderate, 43 (29%) severe, and 40 (27%) of unknown intensity. In those with moderate and severe encephalopathy, frequencies of Apgar scores ≤3 at the first minute (p = 0.001), Apgar scores ≤3 at the fifth minute (p <0.001) and advanced resuscitation (p = 0.007) were higher. Therapeutic hypothermia was performed in only 13% of newborns (19). Neonatal mortality from encephalopathy was 42% (61).
CONCLUSION Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a neonatal condition that results in high mortality and severe neurological sequelae. In this study, the overall prevalence was 5.1% with a mortality rate of 42%. Although encephalopathy was moderate or severe in 54% of reported cases, treatment with hypothermia was not performed in 87% of newborns. These data reflect a regional situation that requires urgent action.
KEYWORDS Hypoxia ischemia, brain; encephalopathy, neonatal; mortality; hypothermia, induced; neonatology; Latin America
INTRODUCTION Improved survival rates of neonates with very low birth weight (<1500 g) have led to a higher incidence of neurodevelopmental sequelae.
OBJECTIVE Examine neurodevelopment outcomes over the first two years of life of infants who weighed <1500 g at birth, in relation to birth weight, gestational age and 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores, in a Havana tertiary care hospital.
METHODS A case-series study was conducted to assess neurodevelopment outcomes of very low birth weight infants over their first two years of life. The study population comprised 116 surviving neonates with very low birth weight (<1500 g), born in the Dr Ramón González Coro University Maternity Hospital in Havana, Cuba, 2006–2010. A longitudinal, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary follow up of all infants’ neurodevelopment was performed, from hospital discharge to age two years, corrected for gestational age at birth. Data on each infant’s perinatal variables were collected: birth weight in grams, gestational age at birth, and 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores. Patients were classified as having normal neurodevelopment, mild abnormalities and moderate-to-severe abnormalities. Pearson’s chi-square test was used to determine possible relationships between perinatal variables studied and neurodevelopment, with exact sampling distribution and 95% confidence level.
RESULTS Normal neurodevelopment was observed in 69% of very low birth weight infants, 25.9% had mild abnormalities, and 5.2% displayed moderate-to-severe abnormalities. The results demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between gestational age and neurodevelopmental outcomes; more neurodevelopmental abnormalities were found in infants born at earlier gestational age (<30 weeks).
CONCLUSIONS Surviving very low birth weight neonates with lower gestational age at birth face a higher risk of neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
KEYWORDS Very low birth weight newborn, neurodevelopment, sequelae, Apgar score, Cuba