Open Access Quarterly

MEDICC Review (ISSN 1527-3172 online and ISSN 1555-7960 print) is an open access quarterly journal, allowing readers to freely access, copy, use, distribute, transmit and display its contents in any medium or format, as well as to adapt the contents (remix, transform or build upon the material), subject to proper attribution of authorship (including the original copyright notice), for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

See MEDICC Review’s Creative Commons License for details:
Articles published through December 2015 are protected by Creative Commons–Attribution 2.0 Generic–CC BY 2.0 and those published since are covered by Creative Commons–Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Recommended citation format:

Last Name, First Initial. Article title. MEDICC Review. Year; Vol(No):pages.

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