A Mission For Our Times / PDF

MEDICC Review is a unique platform that gives voice to Latin American and Caribbean praxis addressing today’s critical interactions between human health, development of sustainable societies, and the health of our planet.

Journal Profile

At these crossroads lie challenges, contradictions and also dangers for humankind’s ability to fashion sustainable, equitable and environmentally responsible health governance policies and practice—health in all policies.  Yet, these interactions also offer unparalleled opportunity to harness the scientific revolution to serve economic and social advancement with equity, encourage more intersectoral and interdisciplinary research and action, foster vital links between science and social inclusion movements, and promote global cooperation on an unprecedented scale.

These are the directions needed to find solutions to the most pressing challenges of our times, including an alarming climate crisis in the context of deepened global inequalities, rapidly aging populations, urbanization, migration, burgeoning chronic diseases, new and old infectious threats, exploding digital technologies coupled with disinformation and digital divides, and failed experiences that beg new, more just, development models.

As the conceptualization of health broadens from strictly biological bases in medicine to encompass population and public health, social determinants, “One Health”, “Planetary Health” and the Agenda 2030, MEDICC Review aims to build upon this continuum, including its inevitable expression in the demand for health systems to reach universal access and coverage.

In this context, we are especially mindful of the contributions of Latin American social medicine, social movements, rich diversity and scientific prowess. Drawing upon this experience, Latin America and Caribbean authors published by MEDICC Review can help fill the gaps in thinking and evidence sorely needed to build a sustainable future on a sustainable planet, generating a healthy, hopeful legacy for our children and future generations.

We look forward to contributing, however modestly, to increased visibility for their work and to its positive impact on both regional integration and worldwide solutions. 

MEDICC Review: A Unique Author Experience

  • MEDICC Review offers broad visibility across indexing services such as MEDLINE/PubMed, Clarivate Analytics, SciELO, Redalyc, Latindex, EBSCO, SCOPUS, CABI Global Health and ROAD.
  • Authors may submit papers in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The journal takes responsibility for peer review and translation for publication in English. At a later stage, we hope to renew simultaneous publication in Spanish.
  • The online open-access journal is free to both readers and authors.
  • Through individual manuscripts as well as themed issues, our aim is to shine light on important thinking and evidence from different vantage points, priority afforded to papers whose authors cross over sectors and disciplines.
  • Authors can expect interactive communication with MEDICC Review editors, who are committed to excellence, good practices in scientific publication, and to capacity building of writers, whether their manuscripts are selected or not.
  • MEDICC Review offers a number of courses and other tools to enhance scientific writing skills throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region.
  • Our editors maintain a constant dialog with the region’s science and health institutions, as well as policymakers, opening our pages to pioneering work that contributes to transformative action.
From the Editors ►