About the Contributors
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Charles Boelen, MD, MPH, MSc

Specialist in public health, epidemiology, health systems management, and health sciences education. International consultant on health systems and personnel. Dr Boelen coordinated the WHO Human Resources for Health Program from 1988 to 2001. He has worked to develop projects combining human resources capacity building with health service delivery in collaboration with ministries of health and higher education, professional associations and academic institutions worldwide. Dr Boelen has written extensively on health care reform, social accountability of academic institutions, and training primary health care professionals to make “health for all” a global reality.

Eugenio Radamés Borroto Cruz, MD, DrSc, MS

Specialist in public health administration, MS in medical education. Dr Borroto is Director of Cuba’s National School of Public Health, full professor at the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, and chairs the Barrio Adentro National Academic Coordinating Committee in Venezuela. Dr Borroto is a founder and executive member of the Cuban Society of Health Science Educators, vice president of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Public Health Schools, and a member of the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education’s Postgraduate Education Commission.

Francisco Durán García, MD

Specialist in epidemiology and public health administration. Dr Durán is Cuba’s National Director of Higher Medical Education and associate professor of medical education at the National School of Public Health. As an epidemiologist at the Santiago de Cuba Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology from 1979 to 1994, Dr Durán directed important campaigns against dengue and HIV/AIDS. He later served as Rector of the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago, Provincial Health Director, and Vice Minister of Public Health.

José Fernández Sacasas, MD, MS

Specialist in internal medicine, MS in medical education. Dr Fernández is Vice Rector for Development at the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana and full professor at the National School of Public Health. He chairs the Academic Committee for Curricular Reform in Medicine and is a member of the Ministry of Higher Education’s Technical Advisory Committee for Evaluation and Accreditation of University Studies. Dr Fernández chairs the board of the Cuban Society of Health Science Educators.

Jehu Erapu Iputo, MBChB, PhD

Chair of the physiology and biochemistry departments at the Walter Sisulu University Faculty of Health Sciences, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Dr Iputo also chairs the university’s Curriculum Development, Medical Education, and Tertiary Education Quality Assurance Committees. He is Associate Editor of the South African Medical Journal and the South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. From 2001 to 2003, Dr Iputo served as a medical education consultant for the World Health Organization. He has also helped set up problem-based, communitybased and service-learning medical education programs at North Gauteng Technikan (South Africa) and Makerere University (Uganda).

Joel H. Lanphear, PhD

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education and professor of medical education at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Dr Lanphear chairs the school’s Undergraduate Medical Education and Student Assessment and Promotion Committees. During his 30-year career in health sciences education, he has held administrative posts and academic appointments at universities in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, California, Wyoming, Michigan, United Arab Emirates, and Canada. He is a board member of the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education.

Ileana del Rosario Morales, MD, MS

Specialist in human anatomy and public health administration, MS in medical education. Dr Morales is associate professor at Cuba’s National School of Public Health. She chairs the National Medical Education Quality Assurance Commission and is a member of the National Medical Education Accreditation Board. Formerly Vice Minister and Director of Higher Medical Education for the Ministry of Public Health, Dr Morales has participated in establishing five medical schools in Latin America, Africa, and Europe.

André-Jacques Neusy, MD, DTM&H

Specialist in internal medicine, tropical medicine and public health. An associate professor of medicine at New York University School of Medicine (NYU), Dr Neusy is co-founder and director of NYU’s Center for Global Health. He served as President of the Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC), a consortium of 80 medical schools, and is founder of THEnet (Teaching for Health Equity Network). Dr Neusy is a Guest Editor for this issue of MEDICC Review and a member of the journal’s Editorial Board.

Bjorg Palsdottir, MPA

Co-founder and former associate director of the Center for Global Health at New York University School of Medicine. In the Teaching for Health Equity Network, Ms. Palsdottir has worked on a collaborative platform and a collective evaluation framework for medical schools training doctors to serve in poor and rural areas. She has consulted on development of human resources in health for the Ethiopian and Rwandan governments, the World Bank, the US National Academies of Sciences, and the Institute of Medicine’s Board of Global Health. Ms Palsdottir is a Guest Editor for this issue of MEDICC Review.

Roger Strasser, MD

Founding Dean and CEO, Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Prior to 2002, Dr Strasser was Professor of Rural Health at Monash University and head of the Monash University School of Rural Health in Australia. From 1992 to 2004, he chaired the Working Party on Rural Practice of WONCA, the World Organization of Family Doctors. He is the recipient of an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners in recognition of his world leadership in the field of rural health.


Dean of Flinders University School of Medicine and academic director of the Board of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Dr Worley is President of the Rural Doctors Association of South Australia and editor of Rural and Remote Health. A practicing rural physician, Dr Worley has a passion for increasing the impact and social accountability of medical schools and their graduates through partnerships with clinicians, health services, government and community agencies, and the wider research community. He is recognized internationally as a leader in community-based medical education and research.


We are grateful to The Rockefeller Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies for making possible this special issue of MEDICC Review.

Cover photos

Diane Appelbaum, Luther Castillo, Connie Field, Conner Gorry, Marc PoKempner, Gail Reed

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