Cuba’s National Regulatory Authority & COVID-19:
July–October 2021, Vol 23, No 3–4

At the time of this writing, more than 10 million Cubans (nearly 90% of the country’s population), had received at least their first dose of Soberana 02 or Abdala, two of five vaccine candidates for SARS-CoV-2 developed and produced on the island. Late-phase clinical trial data revealed that Abdala is 92.28% effective after the full, […]

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Monoclonal Antibodies vs COVID-19:
April 2021, Vol 23, No 2

Cuba has five COVID-19 vaccines in clinical trials and is on track to receive emergency use authorization from the country’s regulatory agency to begin mass vaccination with two of those candidates: Abdala and SOBERANA 02. Results from phase 1 and 2 trials of these vaccines, the first developed and produced in Latin America, have been […]

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COVID-19 Requires Innovation, Regulation and Rigor:
April 2021, Vol 23, No 2

The effects and implications of COVID-19 are global, comprehensive and long-term. The pandemic has exposed inequities, the fragility of economic and political systems, and in many cases, skewed priorities. Population health, not to mention planetary health, is suffering as a result. Nevertheless, the global health crisis in which we are embroiled has provided opportunities for […]

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Mobilizing Primary Health Care: Cuba’s Powerful Weapon against COVID-19
April 2020, Vol 22, No 2

A strong foundation of primary care is critical to the health system and is particularly important during pandemics like COVID-19. Primary care practices should be a natural fit for triaging, testing, treating, and educating patients. —Corinne Lewis, Shanoor Seervai, Tanya Shah,Melinda K. Abrams, and Laurie Zephyrin MDThe Commonwealth Fund, April 22, 2020[1] This thoughtful observation […]

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