About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Consuelo Correa Sierra MD MS
Dual specialist in microbiology and family medicine, with a master’s degree in virology. Dr Correa works at the Sexually Transmitted Disease Laboratory, Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute in Havana. Her research on congenital cytomegalovirus infection, opportunistic viral infections in immunodepressed patients, and herpesvirus has been published in Cuban and international journals and won recognition from the Cuban Academy of Sciences.

Ricardo A. González Menéndez MD PhD DrSc
Psychiatrist. Consulting professor at the Enrique Cabrera Medical Faculty of the Medical University of Havana and consultant to the teaching service at the Rogelio Paredes Psychiatric Hospital in Havana. Dr González is a member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the Cuban Psychiatric Society, and is president of the National Medical Ethics Commission and the Academic Committee for Training on Alcoholism and other Addictions. He has published over 25 books on psychiatry, medical ethics and addiction.

Juan de Jesús Llibre Rodríguez MD MPH PhD 
Internist. Dr Llibre is full professor of medicine at the Medical University of Havana and head of internal medicine at the University’s Finlay-Albarrán Medical Faculty. He is president of the Cuban Alzheimer’s Association and board member of Alzheimer’s Disease International and its 10/66 Dementia Research Group. Dr Llibre’s research concentrates on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in Cuba and internationally.

Alberto Morales Salinas MD MPH
Dual specialist in family medicine and cardiology. Dr Morales heads the Pre-operative Cardiovascular Surgery Service at the Ernesto Che Guevara Heart Center in Villa Clara province, where he also serves as research advisor. An associate professor and associate researcher at the Medical University of Villa Clara, Dr Morales’ research interests include primary prevention and management of heart disease.

Carlos M. Orantes Navarro MD
Nephrologist. Dr Orantes is a graduate of Cuba’s Latin American Medical School and completed his specialty training at the Nephrology Institute in Havana. He is national coordinator of renal research for the Salvadoran Ministry of Health’s National Health Institute, where he also serves on a task force to implement a renal health program in rural areas. Dr Orantes designed the renal health program for El Salvador’s primary health care system.

Pedro Ordúñez García MD PhD
Internist and leading public health expert, Dr Ordúñez is advisor to PAHO and WHO on chronic disease prevention and control. After completing a fellowship in epidemiology at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, he earned a doctorate in public health from Cuba’s National School of Public Health. In Cuba, Dr Ordúñez directed the Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Provincial Teaching Hospital in Cienfuegos, a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center; and served locally in the PAHO-coordinated CARMEN Network, which focuses on integrated prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases and their risk factors.

Nery Suárez Lugo PhD
Social psychologist with a doctorate in economics, Dr Suárez is consulting and full professor and senior researcher at the National School of Public Health in Havana. For 15 years, she represented Cuba in the International Network of Women Against Tobacco and has acted as a consultant to the International Union Against Cancer, PAHO and UN Development Program. She is currently studying consumption, pricing and marketing of domestically produced tobacco products in Cuba.

Patricia Varona Pérez MD MS
Epidemiologist with a master’s degree in environmental health. An associate professor and associate researcher at the National Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute (INHEM) in Havana, Dr Varona has published extensively in Cuba and internationally on her research on chronic diseases and their risk factors, particularly smoking. She currently chairs the tobacco control section of the Cuban Hygiene and Epidemiology Society.
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