About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Tania Lizz Aguilar-Guerra MD MS
Embryologist with master’s degrees in medical genetics and medical education. Associate professor at the National School of Public Health (ENSAP), Havana, Cuba. Graduate of PAHO’s Leaders in International Health Program. During over 20 years, Dr Aguilar-Guerra worked in ENSAP’s international relations division.

Claudia Alemañy-Castilla
Journalist specializing in science, technology and the environment. Ms Alemañy-Castilla is a member of the health sciences section of Cuba’s Union of Journalists, and among the journalists who received awards in the 2019 edition of Switzerland’s SantéPerSo International Journalism Competition on Precision Medicine.

Patricia Alonso-Galbán MD MS
Physician with dual specialties in biostatistics and family medicine with a master’s degree in geriatrics. Dr Alonso-Galbán is associate researcher and assistant professor, Medical University of Havana. She is also webmaster and content curator at Infomed, Medical Sciences Information Center, Havana, Cuba.

Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla Roces MS PhD
Biologist with a doctorate in botanical sciences. Dr Álvarez-Buylla is Director General of Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and professor of molecular genetics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Institute of Ecology. Her research areas include genetics, plant biology, tropical rain forests, sustainable agriculture and protection of biodiversity. She was awarded Mexico’s National Prize in Sciences and the Arts in 2017. Dr Álvarez-Buylla is a member of the Mexican delegation to the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, and served on Mexico’s Advisory Council on Biosecurity.

Mariana Cárdenas-González MS PhD
Chemist with a master’s degree in environmental sciences and a doctorate in toxicology. Dr Cárdenas-González is Director of National and International Engagement at Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), where she also coordinates its National Strategic Health Program (Pronaces). She carried out post-doctoral work at Harvard University, USA, leading projects on renal damage from environmental agents and later served as associate director of the Harvard Catalyst Education Program Understanding Biomarker Science: From Molecules to Images.

Calixto Machado-Curbelo MD PhD DSc FAAN
Neurologist and neurophysiologist with a doctorate in medical sciences and advanced doctorate in sciences. Dr Machado-Curbelo is senior professor and researcher, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Havana, Cuba, where he chairs the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and heads the Neurophysiological Laboratory for Cerebrovascular Diseases and Intensive Care Unit. He is president of the Cuban Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, chair of the Network on Defining Death of the International Bioethics Association, chair of the Cuban Commission for Brain Death Diagnosis, and is a corresponding fellow of the American Academy of Neurology.

NOTE: The remaining authors in the following pages are members of the journal’s editorial team, and we are grateful for the extra effort they expended to make this issue possible. Special thanks to Dr Christina Mills for her contribution.

From the Editors ►