About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Ibraín E. Corrales-Reyes DDS
Oral medicine specialist. First-year resident in maxillofacial surgery, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes General University Hospital, Bayamo, Cuba. Dr Corrales-Reyes has published widely in Cuba and elsewhere and was awarded the 2017 prize for best student researcher by Cuba’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. He is pursuing doctoral studies at the Medical University of Havana focusing on scientific communication and publishing by professors and students of oral medicine.


Alain Cueto-Medina MD MS
Physician with dual specialties in family medicine and intensive care & emergency medicine and a master’s degree in urgent care. Intensivist at Havana’s Medical–Surgical Research Center and associate professor, Medical University of Havana. Dr Cueto-Medina’s research on the use of ultrasound in intensive care units has been published in Cuba and internationally.



Mercedes Esquivel-Lauzurique MD PhD
Pediatrician with a doctorate in health sciences. Dr Esquivel is senior researcher in the Human Growth and Development Group, Julio Trigo López Medical Sciences Faculty, Medical University of Havana. An expert in growth and development with more than 80 publications. Dr Esquivel is a member of Cuba’s National Puericulture Expert Group and secretary of the board of directors of the Cuban Society of Pediatrics. She is vice president of the Health Sciences Scientific Degree Board and a jury member for the Ministry of Public Health’s annual prize.


Deborah Kirkland MPH
Nurse with a master’s degree in public health. A doctoral student in public health at University of Tennessee, Ms Kirkland’s research explores experiences of US graduates of Havana’s Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), in the context of the international ELAM Study Group. Other research interests include global health disparities, US medical education, health policy and population epidemiology.



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