About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Elibet Chávez González MD MS
Cardiologist with a master’s degree in emergency medicine, Dr Chávez is assistant professor in the cardiac electrophysiology service of the Ernesto Che Guevara Heart Center, Santa Clara, Cuba. His research on hypertension in children has won numerous awards, including the 2011 Young Researcher Award from the Inter-American Congress of Cardiology.

Mercedes Esquivel Lauzurique MD PhD
Pediatrician with a doctorate in health sciences. Dr Esquivel is senior researcher in the human growth and development department, Julio Trigo López Medical Sciences Faculty, Medical University of Havana. An expert in growth and development with more than 70 publications, Dr Esquivel is a member of Cuba’s National Puericulture Expert Group.

Osvaldo García González MD PhD
Physician with specialties in family medicine and sports medicine and a doctorate in physical education and sports. Dr García is full professor at Cuba’s Sports Medicine Institute. He has conducted research on elite athletes, obesity and exercise, and physical fitness in older adults.

Juan de Jesús Llibre Rodríguez MD MPH PhD
Internist with a doctorate in medical sciences. Dr Llibre is full professor of medicine at the Medical University of Havana, where he heads the Alzheimer Studies Center at the University’s Finlay-Albarrán Medical Sciences Faculty. He is president of the Cuban Alzheimer Association and board member of Alzheimer’s Disease International and its 10/66 Dementia Research Group.

Sergio G. Llinás Carrillo MS
Pharmacologist in the research and development department of Havana’s Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical-Surgical Teaching Hospital, where he is clinical trials and biotechnology research coordinator. He is assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the Medical University of Havana. His research covers a broad range of issues in clinical biochemistry, neurobiochemistry, neuropsychopharmacology and clinical trials.

Gisela M. Pita Rodríguez MD MS
Clinical biochemist with a master’s degree in environmental health. Dr Pita is associate professor and researcher at the Nutrition and Food Hygiene Institute in Havana, where she heads the nutritional anemia laboratory. She has published widely on her research in nutrition and environmental health and has won national awards for her contributions in research, teaching and practice.

Patricia Varona Pérez MD MS
Medical epidemiologist with a master’s degree in environmental health. Associate professor and researcher, National Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute in Havana, Dr Varona has published extensively in Cuba and internationally on her research in chronic diseases and their risk factors, particularly smoking. She chairs the tobacco control section of the Cuban Hygiene and Epidemiology Society and coordinates the Cuban segment of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood.
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