About the Contributors
About the Contributors
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Otaniyenuwa Asemota MBBS MD
Family physician. Dr Asemota is medical director of the Moriah Medical Centre, Savanna La Mar, Jamaica and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, Jamaica. His research interests include HIV care in family medicine settings.
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Alejandro González-Fernández MD MS
Physician with dual specialties in family medicine and physical medicine & rehabilitation at the Julio Díaz National Rehabilitation Center in Havana, Cuba. Dr González-Fernández holds a master’s degree in diagnostic tools for primary care.
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Rebeca S. González-Fernández MD MS
Family physician. Dr González-Fernández teaches at the Medical University of Havana and is national programs coordinator at TecnoSuma International, Havana, Cuba.
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Alina González-Quevedo MD PhD
Physician and biochemist. Dr González-Quevedo is senior researcher and full professor of biochemistry at the Cuban Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute and the Medical University of Havana.
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Pierre M. LaRamée MA PhD
Executive Director of Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC). With advanced degrees in political science and international development, Dr LaRamée has held executive positions at the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense & Education Fund and the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA).
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Alina Martínez-Rodríguez MS
Pharmacoepidemiologist. Ms Martínez-Rodríguez is an instructor at the Medical University of Havana and researcher at the Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute. Her research focuses on pharmacoepidemiology and tuberculosis.
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Pedro E. Miguel-Soca MD MS
Physician specializing in clinical bioche-mistry. Dr Miguel-Soca is associate profe-ssor and adjunct researcher at the Medical University of Holguín, and has numerous Cuban and international publications on chronic non-communicable diseases and metabolic syndrome.
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Victor René Navarro-Machado MD PhD
Internist and intensivist, with a doctorate in public health. Dr Navarro-Machado is full professor and senior researcher at the Medical University of Cienfuegos, as well as director of Cienfuegos Province’s Council of Scientific Societies in Health.
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Carlos M. Orantes-Navarro MD
Nephrologist. Dr Orantes-Navarro is national renal research coordinator for the Salvadoran Ministry of Health’s National Health Institute. His primary research is on chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology in rural Salvadoran communities.
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Nino Pagliccia MSc
Statistician. Mr. Pagliccia has managed collaborative projects with Cuban partners in the University of British Columbia’s Global Health Research Program. He is the editor of Cuba Solidarity in Canada—Five Decades of People-to-People Foreign Relations (2014).
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