Editorial Process

MEDICC Review is committed to the highest quality scientific writing and journalism. Manuscripts submitted as Original Research, Lessons from the Field, Review Articles, or Perspective undergo a series of editorial reviews and peer review. This process generally takes 6 to 9 months from submission to publication.

Manuscripts received by MEDICC Review are first reviewed by the journal’s editors to determine if work is original, adheres to submission guidelines, is written in a professional and scientific manner, and is within the scope of the journal. Manuscripts that do not satisfy these criteria will be returned to author(s) with an explanation of the editors’ decision.

Editorial review includes biostatistical and epidemiological evaluation, if appropriate. Authors may be asked to make modifications in the organization, style, formatting, length, level of detail and other aspects of their draft manuscript at different stages in the editorial process. Editors will work closely with authors as needed to fulfill journal standards and requirements.

Translation: Articles submitted in Spanish and accepted for publication are translated into English and subsequently edited for style. Authors are required to be available at the translation stage to provide any necessary clarifications and to approve the final draft.

Tracking Submissions
During the editorial process, MEDICC Review prefers to communicate with authors by email.

Authors can expect notice of receipt of submission by email within 2 weeks after sending their manuscript. Progress of the manuscript through editing stages will depend on the level of editing required and on authors’ availability.

Authors are encouraged to inquire about their manuscript’s progress by writing to the editors at: editors@mediccreview.org.

Author Appeals
Authors may make a formal appeal upon notification of rejection of their manuscript, when all other avenues have been exhausted for arriving at a mutual understanding of the reasons behind the rejection.

Appeals should be addressed to Dr. C. William Keck, Editor-in-Chief, and sent to:  editors@mediccreview.org.  They will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and two appropriate members of the Editorial Board selected by him, after determining no competing interests on their part.

A final decision will be communicated to the author(s) in writing by the Editor-in-Chief.


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