Alina Artiles-Santana MD
Family physician and assistant professor, Prenatal Diagnostic Ultrasound Department, Chiqui Gómez Lubián Teaching Polyclinic, Santa Clara, Cuba. With more than three decades in public health services, Dr Artiles has taught residents in family medicine in courses on geriatrics, maternal and child health, and ultrasound diagnostics in primary health care.

Anabel Fernández-Abreu MS PhD
Chemical engineer with a master’s degree in bacteriology and a doctorate in health sciences. Dr Fernández is associate researcher and associate professor at the National Reference Laboratory for Acute Diarrheal Diseases, Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK), Havana, Cuba. Her research focuses on surveillance of pathogens causing diarrheal diseases.

Jorge Amado Grau-Abalo PhD
Clinical psychologist with a doctorate in the psychological sciences. Dr Grau is a full professor and senior researcher at the Medical University of Havana, Cuba. He also chairs the National Psychology Group at the Cuban Ministry of Public Health. Dr Grau is a founder and vice-president of the Latin American Psychology Association (ALAPSA). His work has contributed to guidelines for providing mental health support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Julio César Hernández-Perera MD PhD
Internist with a doctorate in medical sciences. Dr Hernández is a senior researcher at the Medical-Surgical Research Center (CIMEQ) in Havana, and is a full professor at the Medical University of Havana, Cuba. He is a member of the hepatology and hepatic transplant group at CIMEQ.

Olga Esther Infante-Pedreira MS
Psychologist with a master’s degree in health psychology. Ms Infante is an associate professor and associate researcher at the Medical University of Havana, Cuba, and heads the Psychology Department at the Manuel Fajardo Faculty of Medicine. She is also Secretary of the National Psychology Group at the Cuban Ministry of Public Health and President of the Latin American Psychology Association (ALAPSA).

Yuliannis Lugones-Ladrón de Guevara MS
Pharmacist with a master’s degree in pharmacology. Ms Lugones is an assistant researcher at the National Center for Animal and Plant Health (CENSA) in San José de las Lajas, Cuba. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in cellular and molecular biology at the Universidad de La Frontera in Chile.

Calixto Machado-Curbelo MD PhD DSc FAAN
Neurologist and neurophysiologist with a doctorate in medical sciences and an advanced doctorate in sciences. Dr Machado is a senior professor and researcher at the Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute in Havana, Cuba, where he chairs the Clinical Neurophysiology Department and heads the Neurophysiological Laboratory for Cerebrovascular Diseases and Intensive Care Unit. He is president of the Cuban Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, chair of the Network on Defining Death of the International Bioethics Association and chair of the Cuban Commission for Brain Death Diagnosis.

Minerva Montero-Díaz MS PhD
Mathematician with master’s and doctoral degrees in mathematics and statistics. Dr Montero is a senior researcher at the Mathematical Cybernetics and Physics Institute, Havana, Cuba, where her investigations have focused primarily on data analysis and statistical modeling. In the area of health, she has worked with UNICEF-Cuba on designing anthropometric tables for nutritional evaluation of pregnant women. In 2021, she received the Cuban Academy of Sciences Annual Award in the category of biomedical sciences.

Lissette Pérez-Santos MS PhD
Microbiologist with a master’s degree in virology and a doctorate in health sciences. Dr Pérez is associate professor and senior researcher at the Virology Department, Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK), Havana, Cuba. Her research has focused on antiretroviral therapies and drug resistance, as well as herpes viruses as opportunistic infections in AIDS and transplanted patients, among others.

Felipe Neri Piñol-Jiménez MD MS PhD DSc
Gastroenterologist with a master’s degree in infectious diseases, a doctorate in medical sciences and an advanced doctorate in science. Dr Piñol is a full professor and senior researcher at the National Center of Minimally Invasive Surgery (CNCMA) in Havana, Cuba. His research focuses primarily on digestive conditions and biliary acids.