About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Anselmo Antonio Abdo-Cuza MD MS PhD
Physician with dual specialties in internal medicine and emergency medicine/intensive care, a master’s degree in emergency medicine and a doctorate in medical sciences. Dr Abdo is a full professor and head of Intensive Care Services at the Medical–Surgical Research Center in Havana, Cuba (CIMEQ). His research earned him the Cuban Academy of Sciences Award (2009) and the Annual Public Health Prize (2010).

Julio César Aguilar-Rubido PhD
Biochemist with a doctorate in biological sciences. Dr Aguilar is a senior researcher at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), in Havana Cuba, where they head both the Clinical Trials Department and the Hepatitis B Therapeutic Vaccine Project. Dr Aguilar is part of the Cuban Immunology Society and the recipient of the Carlos J Finlay Medal for scientific excellence.

Elba Cruz-Rodríguez MD MS
Physician with dual specialties in family medicine and epidemiology, and a master’s degree in epidemiology. Dr Cruz is associate professor and adjunct researcher at the Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK) in Havana, Cuba. She earned the 2020 Cuban Academy of Sciences Award for her research on vaccination safety and its relation to anti-vaccination movements. Among others, her current research focuses on climate variability’s influence on transmission of digestive infections in children.

José Pedro Ferreira MS PhD
Specialist in physical education and rehabilitation, with a master’s degree in motor development and a doctorate in health sciences and exercise. Dr Ferreira is associate professor in the Division of Sports and Physical Education at Coimbra University, Portugal, where he has also served as dean. He is president of European Federation of Adaptive Physical Activity (EUFAPA).

Laura López-Marín MD MS
Pathologist with a master’s degree in atherosclerosis. Dr López is associate professor and associate researcher at the Dr Abelardo Buch López Nephrology Institute (INEF) in Havana, Cuba. Her research has concerned chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology in Central America, and she currently focuses on renal sequelae in COVID-19 convalescents.

Adrian Naranjo-Domínguez MD MS
Cardiologist with a master’s degree is atherosclerosis. Dr Naranjo works in the intensive care unit of the national Cuban Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Institute in Havana, Cuba. He is currently a part of CorCOVID LATAM, research to better understand the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on patients with cardiometabolic disease.

Nadia Rodrίguez-Rodrίguez
Microbiologist. Ms Rodríguez’ is a researcher at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB) in Havana, Cuba, where her research focuses on immunogenicity and cellular healing. She has also participated in research on the Cuban vaccine candidate for human papilloma virus.

Yury Rosales-Ricardo MS PhD
Physical activity and sports specialist with a master’s degree in bioenergetics and natural medicine and a doctorate in the field of sports sciences, physical activity and health. Currently, Dr Rosales teaches in the medical school at the University of San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Ecuador and is an adjunct researcher at the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Senescyt)

Haiyang Yu MD MPH
Physician specializing in preventive medicine and public health, with a master’s degree in public health. Dr Yu is a doctoral candidate in microbiology at the Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK) in Havana, Cuba, with a primary focus on understanding and preventing nosocomial infections, particularly those related to multi-drug resistant bacteria.

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