Pita-Rodríguez GM, Chávez-Chong C, Lambert-Lamazares B, Montero-Díaz M, Selgas-Lizano R, Basabe Tuero B, et al. influence of inflammation on assessing iron-deficiency anemia in Cuban preschool children. MEDICC Rev. 2021 Jul–Oct;23(3–4):37–45. Available at: https://mediccreview.org/influence-inflammation-assessing-iron-deficiency-anemia-cuban-children/ https://doi.org/10.37757/MR2021.V23.N3.7
Page 39, right column, fourth paragraph, line 4, “Adjustments were applied only in the case of CRP >lnCRPref, AGP >lnAGPref, or both” should read “Adjustments were applied only in the case of CRP >CRPref, AGP >AGPref, or both”
Page 41, Table 4, column 6, headed by lnAGP, replace all “less than” signs (<) by minus signs (–).