About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Rodolfo Bosch-Bayard MD MS
Internist, with master’s degrees in public health & aging, and medical emergencies in primary care, Dr Bosch-Bayard is associate professor and adjunct researcher in the Alzheimer Studies Department at the Finlay–Albarrán Medical Faculty, Medical University of Havana.

Marybexy Calcerrada-Gutiérrez MS
Psychologist. A doctoral candidate in philosophy at the Central University of Las Villas, Ms Calcerrada-Gutiérrez’s research focus is gender identity. She has a master’s degree in gender studies and is assistant professor and researcher at the University of Holguín.

Carlos Castañeda-Guillot MD
Gastroenterologist. A 50-year veteran of Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health, Dr Castañeda-Guillot is a consulting professor and senior researcher at the Calixto García Medical Faculty, Medical University of Havana. He currently shares his expertise with Ecuador as full professor at the Medical Sciences Faculty of the Autonomous Regional University of Los Andes, Quito, Ecuador.

Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate MD PhD DrSc
Physician with a doctorate in health sciences and advanced doctorate in sciences, specializing in public health administration. Dr Castell-Florit is director of Cuba’s National School of Public Health, where he is also full professor, vice president of the scientific council and chair of the Dr Abelardo Ramírez Márquez Health Services and Systems Leadership Program. His 45-year career in public health spans work at local, national and international levels. Dr Castell-Florit received the 2016 PAHO Award for Health Administration in the Americas, for his “outstanding leadership and valuable contributions to the management and administration of the Cuban National Health System.” He is co-chair of MEDICC’s Academic Council and a member of MEDICC Review’s editorial board.

Emma Domínguez-Alonso MD
Physician specializing in biostatistics. Dr Domínguez-Alonso is a researcher and metodologist at the National Endocrinology Institute in Havana. Her research interests include diabetes, reproductive health, lipid disorders and thyroid disease.

Ricardo Hodelín-Tablada MD MS
Neurosurgeon. Dr Hodelín-Tablada holds master’s degrees in bioethics and medical emergencies, as well as a doctorate in medical sciences. He is full professor, senior researcher and head of neurosurgery at the Saturnino Lora Clinical–Surgical Teaching Hospital, Santiago de Cuba. A past recipient of Cuba’s Annual Health Prize, Dr Hodelín is a member of Cuba’s Commission on Death Certification and chairs the history section of the Cuban Neurology and Neuroscience Society.

Pedro Más-Bermejo MD PhD DrSc
Physician with dual specialties in epidemiology and health administration. Dr Más is senior researcher at the Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute and full professor of epidemiology and public health at Cuba’s National School of Public Health, Havana. A member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, he has been Director General of Cuba’s National Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute, PAHO health advisor in Jamaica, and coordinator of the Cuban Cochrane Center. Dr Más currently directs the Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología.

Aida T. Torralbas-Fernández MS
Psychologist. Ms Torralbas-Fernández holds master’s degrees in clinical psychology and gender studies. She is an associate professor at the University of Holguín. Her current research explores gender-based domestic violence against women in heterosexual relationships.

Patricia Varona-Pérez MD MS
Medical epidemiologist with a master’s degree in environmental health. Associate professor and researcher, National Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute in Havana, Dr Varona-Pérez has published extensively in Cuba and internationally on her research on chronic diseases and their risk factors. She chairs the tobacco control section of the Cuban Hygiene and Epidemiology Society and coordinates the Ministry of Public Health’s national lung cancer group.

Pedro L. Velíz-Martínez MD MS
Dual specialist in internal medicine and intensive care & emergency medicine. Dr Véliz-Martínez is president of the Cuban Society for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine and director of the National Council of Scientific Societies in Health. His research focuses on training for the specialty of intensive care and emergency medicine.
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