About the Contributors
About the Contributors

Edgar Benítez-Sánchez MD MS
Physician specializing in hygiene & epidemiology, with a master’s degree in infectious diseases. An instructor and adjunct researcher at the Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital in Santiago, Cuba, Dr Benítez-Sánchez conducts research on the relationship between demographic transition and regional socioeconomic development.

Helena J. Chapman MD MPH PhD
Physician specializing in public health. Dr Chapman trained in medicine at the Iberoamerican University in the Dominican Republic. Her article in this issue emerged from her master’s thesis in public health (epidemiology). She is a research scientist at the University of Florida College of Medicine. Her research uses qualitative methods to evaluate public health practices for infectious disease prevention and control.

Anabel Fernández-Abreu MS
Microbiologist with a background in chemical engineering and a master’s degree in bacteriology and mycology. Her work in the National Reference Laboratory for Acute Diarrheal Diseases at the Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute involves characterizing bacterial virulence and antimicrobial resistance.

 Agustín Lage Dávila MD PhD
Physician specializing in biochemestry and oncology, with a doctorate in medical sciences. Dr Lage is Director of the Molecular Immunology Center, where he led development of the world’s first therapeutic lung cancer vaccine. He was formerly deputy director of Cuba’s National Oncology and Radiobiology Institute. In 2016, Americas Quarterly named him one of the top five Latin American academics and called him “the father of Cuban immunology.”

 Nuris Ledón Naranjo MS MBA PhD
Biologist with a doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences and master’s degrees in pharmacology and business administration. Dr Ledón is an associate professor and senior researcher at Cuba’s Molecular Immunology Center, where she is product manager in the research division.

Armando E. Pérez-Cala MD MS
Internist with a master’s degree in urgent-care medicine. Dr Pérez-Cala heads the Science and Technological Innovation Department of the Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital, Santiago, Cuba, where he is also an associate researcher and associate professor. He is currently completing his
doctoral dissertation on clustering of lung, breast and prostate cancer.
Caridad de Dios Soler-Morejón, MD PhD

Physician with dual specialties in internal medicine and emergency medicine & intensive care. A full professor at the Medical University of Havana, Dr Soler-Morejón has earned widespread recognition in her 35-year career devoted to teaching, research and care of critically ill patients. The focus of her current research is on intra-abdominal pressure in critical patients.

Junior Vega-Jiménez MD
Physician with dual specialties in family and internal medicine. A clinician, adjunct researcher and instructor at the Dr Mario Muñoz Monroy Military Teaching Hospital in Matanzas, Cuba, Dr Vega-Jiménez has published extensively in Cuban and international journals. His research interests include cardiometabolic risk, history of medicine, and correlations between clinical and pathological findings.

Bienvenido A. Veras-Estévez MD MPH
Physician specializing in epidemio-logy. Dr Veras-Estévez is research manager in the Epidemiology and Statistics Department at the José María Cabral y Báez Regional University Hospital in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic and a team leader in the Research Department of the Universidad Católica Tecnológica del Cibao Faculty of Health Sciences in La Vega, Dominican Republic.


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